Thursday 19 April 2012

Home Sweet Home

From the day that Evan and I found out we were expecting our first baby, we've always said, we know we have no control in the big picture of what path our children will make for themselves, but if we put the right morals and values in our home we can pray that this will help guide them.  I recently asked Analise what she wanted to be when she "grew up" and she excitedly replied "Mama one of those people that walk them dogs".  First reaction...."aim for the stars sweetheart", but the more I thought about it, I really just want my children to be good people.  That being said, if the day comes that Analise is a Mama herself, there is nothing that would make her own mother more proud than if she was the best Mama she could be to her dear little ones.  For Owen, I dream that he will be the proudest Father to his own little family, be a strong, and hardworking man, and be a provider for the ones he loves....just like his own Father is to our family.  Please little children be the best people you can be, no matter what journey your path leads you on.

Analise was putting her "homemaker" skills to great use this afternoon...

She made the most delicious "pulled grass" salad, with a version of ranch dressing she whipped together last minute...she efficiently took by order all the while cleaning up behind what a spectacular house she will keep one day!  (She will out preform her own Mama here!) 

So proud of her own domain!  That in until little brother is big enough to join her...

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Killer Shoes...

I've always said that you can turn a "meh" outfit into a great one all by adding a killer pair of shoes.  Well sister broke out killer shoes today.

 As of yesterday we have entered the "dress up" phase, and we change outfits like they are going out of style, every 10 joke.  My "inside" Mama voice grumbles and can't help sigh when I see more stuff to pick up and put away, but my "outside" Mama says "awesome choice Analise", and " those are cool".  I know she's sooooo proud of herself and I can't help but cross my fingers that someday she'll tone down the wild combinations she's pulling out of the closet, but for now...we're just having FUN! 

On another note, I really need to just accept the fact that Owen is breaking the rules when it comes to starting food.  For some reason I can't help but keep bring out those Heinz jars thinking to myself "This is the one he's going to like", nope Baby Owen does NOT do Heinz jars of any kind.  We tried the chunky ones today...I wore the chunks, and the rest he wore on his face.  We had chopped pears, and chopped broccoli for lunch today. 

This morning Analise had a special Kindermusik class.  She chose with great consideration which of her stuffies would make the trip to class with her.  She taught "Sunny"  (a name I have never heard of before) how to dance, twirl, and bob to the nutcracker! 
I am sure the other Mommy and Daddy's must wonder when I make a million trips to the little "peek" hole in the door all in a span of 45 minutes to catch a glimpse of Analise dancing, singing, and making music.  I can't help myself, I am so proud of how much confidence she has acquired since the first lesson with me peeling her off my leg!  She's done tears, just an eager "Go sit with your friends Mommy, I have music to make"!

Monday 9 April 2012

Happy Easter

I am not sure why, but this year I was more excited for Easter than any other year.  We dyed eggs almost 2 weeks before Easter, we displayed a bunny, and I even bought an Easter plant...something I NEVER do!  It wasn't until Good Friday came that I realised what I was really excited for was having Daddy home for 3 whole days.  Yes, I craved good ol' fashion family time, and that is exactly what I got.  Family brunch in the morning, egg hunt in the afternoon, and lazy cuddles and story books whenever they were requested. 

This is Baby Owen's first Easter and yes I think my enthusiasm rubbed off on him...he made his Mama proud!

Sister owned the Egg hunt this was like she knew no matter how many eggs the Easter bunny hid, he had to have hidden at least one more....somewhere! 

What is more spring like that a spinwheel? 

Easter 2012 was a huge success, good food, great chocolate, much needed family time, and of course a generous Easter Bunny!